vehicle valuation

Vehicle Valuation and Assessment services

Regent Autovaluers is the best valuation company in Kenya.
Vehicle Valuation at REGENT AUTOVALUERS

 Vehicle Valuation

With more than 31 branches in Kenya, we have the capability to serve our corporate clients efficiently with primary concern being placed on service rendered to their clients.

To complete the evaluation process, you will need to present the following documents depending on the purpose of evaluation:- (For Insurance Purposes)

  • A copy of the logbook or import documents.
  • A copy of National Identity Card.
  • A copy of the KRA Pin.
  • Certificate of Incorporation.
  • An authorizing letter from the insurance company.

Court Bond

What is a Bond? A bond is a temporary reprieve that one gets from the court pending hearing of a case.

A valuation for Court Bond is a valuation conducted for the purpose of presenting it in a court of law so that a bond may be granted.

How does a valuation, property/asset and court of law combine to form a valuation for Court Bond? If someone is arrested for committing an alleged crime, they are first taken to court where a date for hearing is set. Before the hearing date arrives a person will be put in remand.

A remand is therefore a lock-up center where people are kept pending the date of hearing as set by the court. There is a provision in law whereby one can be released on bail, pending hearing , in exchange of a refundable amount of money paid in court guaranteeing ones appearance for the hearing is called the bail and therefore we say someone was granted a bond.

Due to the economic conditions and standards of living, a majority of Kenyans cannot afford to pay the substantial sum which is required for one to be  released on bail. To solve this problem, the law provides a solution by allowing a bond in the form real property/assets which must have money value. This means that the property can easily be liquefied through sale to a willing buyer or the highest bidder.

A valuation for court bond is thus a valuation whose purpose is to determine the value of ones asset, which they intend to use in a court of law for bond purposes.

Court Bond valuation service in Kenya
vehicle financing valuation service in KENYA

Finance Valuation

 A valuation whereby the owners asset i.e. is used as a guarantor by the bank or any other lending institution i.e. micro finance in order for the client to secure a loan that is almost equivalent to the market value of the car.

Personal Valuation

This is a personal decision  to have  valuation experts value your car  to determine the actual market value of your vehicle taking into consideration all the prevailing circumstances.

Personal vehicle valuation service in Kenya
accident assessment service in kenya

Accident Assessment

This is a valuation report produced after a vehicle has been involved in an accident, giving an insight on nature of damage, parts damaged and estimate values of damaged parts.

  • Pre accident Assessment; this is the value of the vehicle before the accident occurred. Or was the actual market value of ones vehicle before any accident occurred.
  • Fire Assessment; this is a valuation assessment carried out after a vehicle has been involved in a fire accident.
  • Theft Assessment; this is a valuation assessment carried out after either the whole vehicle or parts have been stolen from the vehicle.